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Monday, September 1, 2008


Blogger's I know I haven't blogged in a long time, but some family stuff has come up. I haven't felt like blogging. I can't share right now out of respect and wishes for those involved. I consider my blog somewhat of a journal not a private journal, but a journal of our lives. It has been hard not to blog what is going on. In our struggles I had forgotten that life does go on and that many things have passed in the month since my last blog. Good things - like my kids going to school, time spent with my brother and his family, end of the summer family bash. I came across this picture and it brought all those thoughts to mind. Life does go on when we aren't paying attention. Many things have to be blogged from last month. I have much catching up to do. But in for the time being see if you can guess who is in the picture? It brightened my day with laughter I hope it brightens yours!!


Emily said...

Oh, Brian. That is hilarious. You definitely got a good picture. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Christine said...

Great picture! You're such a sweetheart!

Shelly B. said...

I'm thinking of you! Hope you are OK. HILARIOUS picture!

Anonymous said...

Okay- I soooo knew that was Brian- toooooo funny!!!!!!!! That is soooo him, I miss all you guys and I miss you in Primary!!

Hope you had a Happy Happty B-day the other day too!!

Hope all is okay or getting more that way.........

Tiffany B said...

Finally got you added to my bloglines so I can keep up with your posts better. Hey... I am here for whatever you need - REALLY! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sharla said...

Wait, I just found your blog through Camille's (I think) and see that you were choosing between Mexico and Disney World - where did you go?! :)